Our designs helped The Health Factory launch their products in 30+ stores across Mumbai

Our journey

We worked with The Health Factory since their inception as design partner to help launch all their new products with the relevant design strategy. 

What we did

As an innovative concept in the baked goods space, our primary design emphasis was on clearly communicating the differentiator, i.e., the protein content and nutritional value of each product.

While ingredients remain crucial, we were also mindful not to position the product to be misrepresented as a post-workout protein.

Consequently, the visual language was crafted to position The Health Factory as an everyday consumption staple suitable for everyone.

There is always a challenge to put on paper, the mind of a brand, but you won't face that from Bokaap Design. They are our go-to team for packaging and anything design-related. I’ve always received an excellent and prompt response from Niraali and her team. They deliver on time and are very friendly.

-Vinay Maheshwari, Founder