UX and UI Design for an EV Charging Booking App

The Client

ChargePool enables users to efficiently find EV charging stations without having to make calls. Bokaap Design was engaged as the design team to conceptualize and design the desktop admin app as well as the user mobile application.

End-users can filter and book charging stations based on location, amenities, type of charging point, and more.

Station Managers can manage their bookings through an easy to use desktop application.

What We Did

Onboarding of an EV user

Onboarding of a user is simple and easy to navigate. The user enters their car details at the start for personalized station recommendations.


Booking a charging station

A two-step booking flow was designed with all the important information highlighted at the top. The user simply selects the day and the slots to make a booking. Bookings can be managed easily via the mobile app.


Onboarding a charging station owner

Station owners were categorized as Public station owners or EV owners with personal charging stations to share. We created an onboarding flow that helps both these users get their station online and share it with the community.


An end to end service was provided to ChargePool from product conceptualization to UX and UI design to development of the desktop and mobile application over an engagement period of 6 months.

-Bokaap Design